Injury at Work

If you are injured at work, you are not automatically entitled to work injury compensation. In order for your claim to be successful and for you to be entitled to adequate compensation for an injury at work, the employer or one of your colleagues must be at fault for your injury at work.

Iz dosedanje prakse, kjer smo vložili odškodninski zahtevek v več kot 20.000 zadevah, pa lahko zatrdimo, da želijo delodajalci prikazati, da ni podana njihova odškodninska odgovornost, ko se delavcu zgodi delovna nesreča. Posledično v obrazec prijava poškodbe pri delu (ER8 obrazec) napišejo, da so delavci sami krivi, ko se jim pripeti poškodba na delovnem mestu, razlog za takšno ravnanje je običajno potencialni regresni zahtevek ZZZS. Zato je pomembno, da nas pokličete takoj, ko ste se poškodovali, da pridobite navodila o tem, kako in katere dokaze je treba takoj zavarovati in kakšne so vaše pravice pred delodajalcem.

To maximize compensation for a workplace injury, it is important to receive oral or written instructions on the documentation needed for a future compensation claim and other claims (e.g., for daily compensation for a workplace injury, etc.) as soon as possible.

The amount of compensation for physical injuries depends on several factors, particularly whether you have suffered a mild or severe physical injury, a particularly severe disability, or if any of your close relatives have died.

If a workplace injury results in a particularly severe disability, compensation also belongs to their close relatives (spouse, unmarried partner, child, siblings, etc.) due to such a severe health condition of their relative (compensation for mental pain due to particulary severe disability of their relative).

Odvetnik za odškodnine  – brezplačno pravno svetovanje

Odvetnik za odškodnine  –  
brezplačno pravno svetovanje

poškodba pri delu, poškodba pri delu, poškodba pri delu, poškodba pri delu, poškodba pri delu, 

legal consultation

We offer you in the following cases:
   - if you have been physically injured:
        • in a traffic accident, at workplace, on public property or on             private property
        • if you have accident insurance
        • if you have insurance for surgeries, serious illnesses
           except when additional expert opinion is needed,
           and other types of insurance for bodily injuries
        • in a maritime accident damage caused by the owner
           or operator of the vessel
        • during an assault or brawl
    - if you have been a victim of medical malpractice except      when additional expert opinion is needed
    - if you, as a legal entity or a self-employed individual, have suffered       material or non-material damage (except when additional expert      opinion is needed)
    - if you have suffered damage as an individual due to professional       errors in various professions
    - and in other cases of claiming compensation, when the lawyer       and the client agree
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We offer you in the following cases:
   - if you have been physically injured:
      • in a traffic accident, at workplace, on public property or on private property
       • if you have accident insurance
       • if you have insurance for surgeries, serious illnesses (except when additional expert opinion is needed), and other types of insurance for bodily injuries
       • in a maritime accident (damage caused by the owner or operator of the vessel)
       • during an assault or brawl
   - if you have been a victim of medical malpractice (except when additional expert opinion is needed)
   - if you, as a legal entity or a self-employed individual, have suffered material or non-material damage (except when additional expert opinion is needed)
  - if you have suffered damage as an individual due to professional errors in various professions
   - and in other cases of claiming compensation, when the lawyer and the client agree
Your information
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