People often mistakenly think that they will obtain insurance coverage for accident insurance simply by getting injured. The condition to obtain adequate insurance coverage (e.g., daily indemnity for injury) is that the injury occurs in a manner defined in the definition of accident stated in general conditions of insurance policy. Given that insurance companies are highly-profitable entities, their general conditions of insurance policies increasingly include many limitations or exclusions of coverage, for which they do not provide insurance coverage.

Fifteen years accident insurance general condition comparison shows that in the currently valid general conditions, compared to the old ones, insurance companies have specified numerous additional exceptions (limitations or exclusions of coverage) that may prevent you from receiving daily compensation, disability, and other guarantees from the insurance contract. For this reason, it is advisable to read the insurance general conditions yourself or with the help an insurance representative or with help of lawyer, specialized it insurance law, before signing an insurance offer.

The most common form of insurance contracts is accident insurance, which typically includes coverage for cases such as disability, daily compensation, hospitalization benefits, accidental death, treatment costs, accident annuity, etc. The right to these payments depends on the type of accident insurance you had at the time of the accident, and the amount of the payout also depends on how high an insurance premium you were paying.

In our law firm, we also enforce claims from other insurance contracts, in collaboration with experts from various fields, such as:

• Insurance for serious illnesses         • Insurance for surgeries

• Life insurance       • Collision insurance

• Civil/professional liability insurance for various professions

• Anti-burglary insurance                    • Property insurance

• Fire insurance      • Comprehensive motor vehicle insurance

• Machinery breakdown insurance

Based on our previous experiences (more than 20,000 filed various compensation claims and claims of insurance benefits), we can assure you that you should not expect the insurance company to easily pay you what you are insured for (e.g., for serious illnesses, daily indemnity, etc.). Therefore, we advise you to authorize a lawyer with a lot of experience in insurance law and who is familiar with judicial practice.

If you want free legal advice from a lawyer specialized in insurance law, call us immediately when you get injured, and you will receive quick and free guidance on how to act to avoid problems later in obtaining the highest possible daily indemnity for injuries, disabilities, and other insured risks.  

Fifteen years accident insurance general condition comparison shows that in the currently valid general conditions, compared to the old ones, insurance companies have specified numerous additional exceptions (limitations or exclusions of coverage) that may prevent you from receiving daily compensation, disability, and other guarantees from the insurance contract. For this reason, it is advisable to read the insurance general conditions yourself or with the help an insurance representative or with help of lawyer, specialized it insurance law, before signing an insurance offer.

The most common form of insurance contracts is accident insurance, which typically includes coverage for cases such as disability, daily compensation, hospitalization benefits, accidental death, treatment costs, accident annuity, etc. The right to these payments depends on the type of accident insurance you had at the time of the accident, and the amount of the payout also depends on how high an insurance premium you were paying.

In our law firm, we also enforce claims from other insurance contracts, in collaboration with experts from various fields, such as:

• Insurance for serious illnesses    • Insurance for surgeries    • Life insurance    • Collision insurance    • Civil/professional liability insurance for various professions   
• Anti-burglary insurance                • Property insurance           • Fire insurance    • Comprehensive motor vehicle insurance   • Machinery breakdown insurance

Based on our previous experiences (more than 20,000 filed various compensation claims and claims of insurance benefits), we can assure you that you should not expect the insurance company to easily pay you what you are insured for (e.g., for serious illnesses, daily indemnity, etc.). Therefore, we advise you to authorize a lawyer with a lot of experience in insurance law and who is familiar with judicial practice.

If you want free legal advice from a lawyer specialized in insurance law, call us immediately when you get injured, and you will receive quick and free guidance on how to act to avoid problems later in obtaining the highest possible daily indemnity for injuries, disabilities, and other insured risks.

Odvetnik za odškodnine  – brezplačno pravno svetovanje

Odvetnik za odškodnine  –
brezplačno pravno svetovanje

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legal consultation

We offer you in the following cases:
   - if you have been physically injured:
        • in a traffic accident, at workplace, on public property or on             private property
        • if you have accident insurance
        • if you have insurance for surgeries, serious illnesses
           except when additional expert opinion is needed,
           and other types of insurance for bodily injuries
        • in a maritime accident damage caused by the owner
           or operator of the vessel
        • during an assault or brawl
    - if you have been a victim of medical malpractice except      when additional expert opinion is needed
    - if you, as a legal entity or a self-employed individual, have suffered       material or non-material damage (except when additional expert      opinion is needed)
    - if you have suffered damage as an individual due to professional       errors in various professions
    - and in other cases of claiming compensation, when the lawyer       and the client agree
Your information
Describe your case in more detail
We offer you in the following cases:
   - if you have been physically injured:
      • in a traffic accident, at workplace, on public property or on private property
       • if you have accident insurance
       • if you have insurance for surgeries, serious illnesses (except when additional expert opinion is needed), and other types of insurance for bodily injuries
       • in a maritime accident (damage caused by the owner or operator of the vessel)
       • during an assault or brawl
   - if you have been a victim of medical malpractice (except when additional expert opinion is needed)
   - if you, as a legal entity or a self-employed individual, have suffered material or non-material damage (except when additional expert opinion is needed)
  - if you have suffered damage as an individual due to professional errors in various professions
   - and in other cases of claiming compensation, when the lawyer and the client agree
Your information
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